Thursday, May 25, 2006

Reunion Tickets

Tickets Now on Sale! $40/person, or $35 if purchased by Aug 31, 2006! Price of ticket includes entry, fajita dinner, fabulous entertainment, photographer and an evening of fun!
There are 2 Payment Options: 1) Click the link in our 'links' section and purchase via PayPal, 2) Send personal check or money order to Keni Valdez - 9472 Prosperity Lake Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32244. Please include a self-addressed/stamped return envelope for your tickets.
If you have any questions about tickets, please email:

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Reunion Updates and Changes

The date for our 10 year reunion has changed to the weekend of September 23rd!
Friday, September 22nd
High School Football Game @ Moorehead Stadium
Saturday, September 23rd
10 Year Reunion @ Papa's Ice House