Monday, June 26, 2006

Location Clarification

We have had a few classmates ask specifically about why we're having our reunion at Papa's Ice House and we wanted to let you know about our selection process in determining where to have our reunion this year.

Firstly, the committee is entirely voluntary- we're a bunch of your classmates doing this for free in our spare time. That being said, we talked to several of our classmates about what they wanted and were looking for in their reunion and they told us a few things.

1- They wanted to have it over a football game weekend so that could be an option
2- They wanted it to be in The Woodlands and not downtown
3- They wanted a better turn out than Class of 1995 (about 50 people showed up)
4- They wanted it to be more casual than 'stuffy' and not a repeat of prom

So the first thing we did was talk to reunion companies. They wanted it to be downtown. After stressing we would not do it downtown they wanted at least $100/person for somewhere in The Woodlands. And even once we signed with them we were not guaranteed we would get a football weeekend or any of the dates selected because of conferences, conventions, wedding receptions, etc. Then we looked at the Marriott or Woodlands Country Club and the least expensive we could find was $11,500. We were not given any money for our reunion and since it is not being underwritten by anyone I was not willing to put the money up for it in case we didn't have a good turn out and couldn't cover our costs. Therefore, we found the perfect solution with Papa's. They rebuilt about 3 years ago and have moved to a much nicer location than what everyone remembers as "Papa's on the feeder road". They are working closely with us in order to ensure a fun time, great food, awesome entertainment and a super event.

Again, if you would like to volunteer to help us in finding other classmates who are still on the list please let us know by searching for them with us- that's currently our biggest need. We are still looking for donations for several items- email either the main account or myself and let us know what you can help us with.

Hope this clears the air as to why we chose Papa's. We hope to see everyone at the football game on Friday night and the reunion on Saturday. It's going to be great!

Your reunion committee
Emily Rissmiller (Hollier)
Natalie Leslie (Lawrence)
Amber Oakley (Winters)
Amy Molander (Higgins)
Keni Valdez (High)
Meredith Page
Olivia Cole (Newman)
Robyn Knocke
Stephanie Guinn (Roberts)
Wendy Wagner


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quick question regarding Papa's - is it still outside? or have they built an indoor area? Just asking as I remember Houston to still be hot in the evening in September?

8:17 AM  

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